Sunday, May 8, 2011

Welcome To Flight Review

Welcome to Flight Review, we have my wife to thank for getting this thing started. So let's see if we can get this blog kicked off. This blog's title is going to be a bit of a play on words. Every pilot has to go through what is called a Flight Review every two years with a Flight Instructor, and as a Flight Instructor, I have given many Flight Reviews over the past decade. I have also been given the wonderful opportunity over the years to fly some pretty incredible aircraft. My goal is going to give a glimps into the life at the airport through the eyes of a Flight Instructor and Pilot.

To give you a little background, I have been a pilot for nearly fifteen years, and a Flight Instructor for over a decade. I personally fly a very unique aircraft, which is a Russian built Yak-52. The Yak-52 was designed as a rugged two seat trainer. It has a nine cylinder supercharged radial engine that produces over 400 horse power yet the aircraft weighs less than a Cessna 182. We have named this Yak "Bad Yak" and I fly it in Air Shows and Aerobatic Competition events through out the North West.

So throughout this blog, I hope to give some insight, thoughts and perspective of a pilot who is sometimes an educator, sometimes a showman, a father, a friend, and always an airport bum at heart. Noel

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